The September Effect: Why September is the New January
“And all at once, summer collapsed into fall.” ~ Oscar Wilde
When I was younger (and even now with my girls), I loved everything about back-to-school supplies: crisp, clean notebooks, freshly sharpened pencils, and especially a pretty new planner! It’s the kind of things that make me geek out just a little.
September not only gets me excited about school supplies, butI look at fall as the chance to start fresh - to enjoy the changing seasons, crisp leaves and the opportunity to set new routines.
While January or the new year is typically thought of as a great time to set intentions, let’s face it, January is cold and dark, and it can be a tough time to get motivated. Setting goals at the start of the year can also feel overwhelming and daunting as if you are making a year-long commitment — which is pretty long for a goal.
If we set goals or intentions in September, however, we are more apt to stick to them. Shorter-term goals can set us up for better success; we only need to make it to the end of the year, right?! That’s just four months, and then you can set a new goal.
Four ways to start fresh this September.
1. Change your thoughts; change your life.
September offers us a fresh start and a great time to readjust our attitudes and ways of thinking. It’s a time to let go of old behaviors and habits that are no longer serving you.
Following the summer season, where we have (hopefully!) experienced a slower, more relaxed pace, September can leave us fresh and recharged, looking forward to new beginnings.
2. Transition to fall clothes and accessories.
Cozy sweaters, leggings, boots….need I say more?!
After a season of shorts and tanks, the fall fashion opportunities instantly make me happy. I love cleaning out my wardrobe during this time of year. Purging and organizing clothes and accessories helps me have a clean slate in my closet.
Anything I haven’t worn in the past year gets donated. Doing this helps me clear my mind and reduces decision fatigue. If I don’t love the piece, it needs to go. A lot of purging happened earlier in the year when we moved, but it’s a constant process of staying on top of your closet.
My philosophy is one item in, one item out. Whenever I acquire something new — clothes, jewelry, accessories, shoes — I make sure to take out at least one (or more!) items to reduce the clutter..
And if you have kids this is a great time to tackle their closets, too!
3. Start new habits and routines.
Fall is the perfect time to set health and wellness goals and set up a routine. Perhaps your eating habits and workout schedule was pushed to the back-burner during the summer (totally understandable!), but now is the perfect time to reset your intentions without the pressure of adhering to the daunting “new year’s resolutions.”
If you have kiddos, I know how life can get a little crazy at the beginning of a new school year, but after the first couple weeks, we start to settle into our routine, and everyone thrives on the structure of a schedule - including the kids!
4. Set aside time to re-engage in business goals.
Summer is a beautiful season of relaxation, eased schedules and a slower pace. But, I’m always reinvigorated by fall. This is the perfect time to set new business and personal goals. With my three kids in school all day, I now have more time to get into the studio and pursue my passion!
Fall is the perfect time to try new things, whether its tackling new projects, participating in new events or workshops or meeting up with fellow entrepreneurs for coffee and to talk business!
Let’s make the most of these September days! Start a new routine, set a goal, schedule a meet-up with someone who inspires you. Let’s make this happen!
Enjoy autumn, friends!
With gratitude,
It’s back!
The September BOM…
Nothing says autumn more than these colors!