Self Care in Times of Crisis
"A time of crisis is not just a time of anxiety and worry. It gives a chance, an opportunity, to choose well or to choose badly." - Desmond Tutu
Let's face it, we are living in a pretty rough time right now - between the effects of Covid-19 and the racial and political crisis that our world is facing, many of us are feeling stressed, depressed, confused, anxious; you name it, I've been feeling it. And I'm sure you have too.
You may be thinking that the world is in crisis right now and self-care just isn't a priority. But, I would argue that self-care is more important during times of crisis than ever.
There are strong connections between self-care and mental health and wellness, and these connections are especially beneficial for each of us as we move forward together during this difficult time.
Here are a few ways you can take care of yourself right now...
Realize you can't do it all:
Now more than ever it’s important to have grace with yourself. Know that life is not the same now as it was before - and that's ok. When you feel like the world is just too heavy, take a deep breath and let something go. You can't bear everything on your shoulders all at once, or you are bound to break...and will get nothing accomplished. When I start to panic about the stresses of life, I spend five minutes just focusing on my breath. Just this five minutes helps me recenter - refocus - start over.
Establish a routine:
With routines all out of wack, it’s really easy to fall into a habit of hanging out in your pajamas all day (not to say that a once-in-a-while-cozy-pajama-day isn’t necessary!) or you may find yourself partaking in a lot of unhealthy habits. But, there’s research that shows how these behaviors often lead us to feel less happy. We ultimately tend to mope around more and be more lethargic and less productive and thus less fulfilled. Find a routine that works for you and try to stick to it. BUT, don’t be too upset if it doesn’t happen every day. I’ve found that making lists or even just making my bed every day helps.
move your body:
It sounds cliche but the old adage rings true - exercise produces endorphins which in turn makes you happier. At a minimum, I try to get out on a walk every day and hopefully practice some yoga or get outside and run. There are so many options you can do at home if you don't feel comfortable leaving the house. And don't fall victim to the all or nothing trap - I am often guilty of this. Even if you get ten minutes of exercise in, it is certainly better than nothing.
Give yourself something to look forward to:
We have no idea what the future holds a few weeks from now or even a few months from now, but that doesn't mean we should stop living fully. Give yourself something to look forward to. Maybe it’s ordering take-out from your favorite local spot, or a little online retail therapy - it really helps me! 😂 Maybe you plan a socially distant walk with a friend or get outside for a bike ride or hike. Whatever lifts your spirits, identify it, write it down, make it happen. We still need to create joy in our lives.
“A crisis often brings out the best in you and you discover qualities that you never knew existed within.”